Saturday, April 18, 2009

OpeNing Up EaSteR baSkets frOm GranDpa aNd GRanDma Fowler!Some New BoOks AnD CloThes!!!
Hali opening her Easter Bastket from GranDpa anD GraNdmA TayloR!

My New booK!!

A Little Tired AfTeR the EaSter Egg HuNt!!


Branch said...

Such cute pictures! I love Renner's basketball shorts! Wow they are sitting up way good! I can't wait to see them again! The one where Renner is sucking Hali's face is so cute! They will be the best of friends!

Casey and Britt said...

Oh they are so cute you guys! I love the outfits! Hope all is going well, we need to hang out!

Monica said...

Such cute pics Heidi! You look so pretty in the picture with Renner looking at his new book, your hair all wind blown. sexy sexy! xo